Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

In general, the Intellectual Property Rights can be divided into two categories, namely:
• All Rights Reserved.
• Industrial Property Rights, including:
1. Patent
2. Brand
3. Industrial Design
4. Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits
5. Trade Secrets, and
6. Indication

Copyright is a privilege for the author to declare or its creation. Including the creation of protected is a creation in the fields of science, literature and art.


 Based on Law Number 14 Year 2001:
Patents are exclusive rights granted by the State to the Inventor of the invention in the field of technology, which for a given period is conducting his own invention or to give consent to another party to implement it (Article 1 Paragraph 1).
 Special rights granted to the inventor of the invention in the field of technology, for a given period is conducting his own invention or to give consent to others to implement it (Article 1 of the Patent Act).
 Patents granted within the scope of the field of technology, ie applied science in industrial processes. In addition to the patent, also known as simple patent (utility models) are almost the same with patents, but has the protection requirements is much simpler. Patents and patent simple in Indonesia is regulated in the Patent Act (UUP).
 Patents granted only to state that the inventor has discovered an invention (new) technology. The meaning of the invention is a particular problem-solving activities in technology in the form:
• processes;
• production;
• improvement and development process;
• improvement and development of production;


Based on Law Number 15 Year 2001:
Brand is the mark in the form of images, names, words, letters, numbers, composition of colors, or combinations of these elements, having distinguishing features and used in trading activities of goods or services. (Article 1 Paragraph 1).

Brand is a sign that is used to differentiate products (goods or services) with the others in order to facilitate trade, to maintain quality, and protecting producers and consumers.

Brand is the mark in the form of images, names, words, letters, numbers, color composition or a combination of these elements, having distinguishing features and used in trading activities of goods or services (Article 1 of Law Brand).

Brand terms:

Trademarks are marks used on goods traded by the person or persons jointly or a legal entity to distinguish with other similar goods.

Service marks are marks used on services traded by a person or persons jointly or a legal entity to distinguish with other similar services.

Collective Brands is a brand that is used on goods or services with the same characteristics that are traded by several persons or legal entities together to distinguish the goods or other similar services.

Rights to the brand is the exclusive rights granted by the state to the owner of the registered trademark in the General Register of Marks for a period of time, using their own brand or give permission to a person or persons jointly or a legal entity to use it.

3. Industrial Design

(Based on Law Number 31 Year 2000 About Industrial Design):
Industrial Design is a creation on the shape, configuration, or composition of lines or colors, or lines and colors, or a combination thereof in the form of three-dimensional or two-dimensions gives aesthetic impression and can be manifested in a pattern of three-dimensional or two-dimensional and can be used to generate a product, goods, industrial commodities, or handicrafts. (Article 1 Paragraph 1)

4. Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits

(Based on Law Number 32 Year 2000 About the Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits):
Integrated Circuit is a product in the form of finished or semi-finished, in which there are many elements and at least one of these elements are active elements, which partially or completely intertwined and formed an integrated manner in a semiconductor material that is intended to produce a function electronics. (Article 1 Paragraph 1)

Layout Design is the creation of groundbreaking three-dimensional design of various elements, at least one of these elements are active elements, as well as some or all the interconnections in an Integrated Circuit and the positions of the three dimensions were intended for the preparation of an Integrated Circuit. (Article 1 Paragraph 2)

5. Trade Secrets

(According to Law No. 30 Year 2000 About Trade Secrets):
Trade Secret is information not generally known in the field of technology and / or business, have economic value because it is useful in business activities, and kept secret by the owner of Trade Secret.

6. Geographical Indications

(Based on Act No. 15 Year 2001 About the Brand):
Geographical Indication is protected as a sign which indicates the origin of the goods due to the geographical environment factors, including natural factors, human factors, or a combination of both factors, providing specific characteristics and quality of goods produced. (Article 56 Paragraph 1)

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Perlukah Perlindungan HAKI bagi Negara berkembang

Beberapa masalah yang berhubungan dengan perlindungan HAKI

Terdapat beberapa masalah dalam Perlindungan HAKI

Yang terjadi pada negara berkembang, antara lain :


Yang dimaksud miskin disini adalah tidak mampu membeli produk asli dan cenderung

membeli produk tiruan/bajakan.

Tidak mampu melakukan R&D, yang dapat menghasilkan teknologi.

Dan hanya menjadi pasar untuk menjual

Hanya untuk perusahaan besar saja

Paten menjadi mengada-ada

Paten software menghambat inovasi

Paten membuat harga menjadi mahal

Pembajakan software di Indonesia

Paten yang hanya untuk Perusahaan Besar

Hal ini dikarenakan mendaftarkan paten memerlukan biaya yang mahal sehingga hanya perusahaan besar yang mampu untuk mendaftar, serta untuk mempertahankan paten juga hanya dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan besar saja, apalagi ntuk membuat printer dibutuhkan lebih dari 1000 paten.

Substansi Paten yang kurang mutu

Mengakibatkan orang berlomba-lomba mendaftarkan paten karena iming-iming finansial belum lagi substansi paten tidak mutu, untuk informasi yang lebih jelasnya anda bisa membaca pada situs website dibawah ini:

“1-click purchasing” dari Amazon.com

Paten software

Juga terdapat kendala dikarenakan ide tidak dapat dipatenkan. (Lihat surat Thomas Jefferson).

Paten yang Membuat Mahal

Contoh yang ada di dunia Farmasi

Kasus di Afrika Selatan (dan India) dimana banyak warga yang terkena AIDS

Perusahaan farmasi yang memiliki HaKI dari obat AIDS tidak mau melisensi dengan harga murah.

Pemerintah Afrika Selatan menerapkan compulsury licensing sehingga perusahaan lokal dapat membuat obat generik yang terjangkau harganya

Paten Software

Apa yang dipatenkan? Bukankah software sudah dilindungi oleh copyright?

Langkah-langkah (algoritma) yang dipatenkan

“Computer programs are as abstracts
as any algorithm can be.”
(Prof. Donald Knuth)

Tapi, algoritma ini terkait dengan rumus matematik. Apakah layak rumus matematik dipatenkan?

Menghambat inovasi & pendidikan

Contoh paten: Lempel-Ziv (LZW), RSA, automatic correction and abbreviation expansion (XyWrite case)

Masalah Copyright Software

Software disimpan dalam format digital (urutan angkan “0” dan “1”) sehingga dapat diduplikasi dengan mudah tanpa mengurangi kualitas (asli maupun duplikatnya)

Harga software asli relatif mahal untuk negara berkembang yaitu berkisar US$300

Harga CD-ROM kosong murah (Rp. 3000,-)

Timbul copy-an software

Sejarah Lisensi Software

Sejarahnya: software tidak dijual terpisah dengan perangkat keras (bundled). Software dikembangkan oleh hobbyist, peneliti yang sifatnya gratis sehingga banyak bermunculan berbagai model lisensi software: copyleft, freeware, GNU public license (GPL), open source, public domain, shareware, *BSD, dan berbagai skema lisensi lainnya.

Free Software, GNU

Muncul Free Software Movement (dimotori oleh Richard Stallman, MIT)

Free software punya dua makna

Free = gratis

Free = bebas (freedom)

Produknya menggunakan nama GNU adalah www.gnu.org

Open Source

Source code merupakan inti dari software, source code yang ada dalam sebuah perusahaan dipertahankan sebagai aset dari perusahaan dan bersifat rahasia sehingga orang tidak boleh melihat dan mengetahuinya. Dengan open source dapat membuka source code sehingga orang lain bisa ikut mengembangkan, memperbaiki source code tersebut bila terjadi kesalahan dan juga bisa ikut belajar cara implementasi atau mengapresiasikan hasil daripada source code tersebut sehingga akan muncul ide-ide baru dengan menggunakan software barudan inovasi baru

Contoh populer: Linux OS, Apache web server

Open Source & Negara

Banyak negara yang mulai merangkul open source dan meninggalkan proprietary code (seperti Microsoft)

Kemandirian (dapat diperbaiki sendiri jika ada masalah, tidak bergantung kepada vendor)

Takut disusupi program pemantau (trojan), padahal banyak data-data rahasia

Contoh negara yang merangkul open source: Cina, Jerman, India, Israel, dan mulai banyak lainnya

Microsoft melakukan counter promotion

Public Domain

Membuat karya menjadi milik publik

Pada awalnya kurang disukai karena tidak ada insentif

Tapi dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan yang berdedikasi. Contoh Tim Berners-Lee yang menemukan / mengembangkan HTML dan HTTP untuk World Wide Web (WWW)

Jadi solusi apa yang harus dilakukan?

Anti / Against Intellectual Property

Dengan melihat bahwa perlindungan HaKI terlalu berlebihan dan lebih banyak membawa kejelekan atau dampak yang buruk semestinya temuan itu untuk kemaslahatan umat manusia serta anti intellectual property bukan berarti menghalalkan pembajakan untuk tetap dilakukan (http://www.infoshop.org/aip.html).